Writing Assessment Services
NWP provides assessment and scoring services to districts and research partners for program assessment, research and evaluation, and professional development.
A Comprehensive System
NWP's Analytic Writing Continuums Provide Both Rigor and Flexibility
NWP's Analytic Writing Continuums provide comprehensive scoring systems that examine all facets of student writing. NWP’s AWC provide validated measures of writing performance that function across a range of genres with additional rubrics that include genre-specific features focusing on argument writing, literary analysis, and civic engagement.

Consistent Experience
NWP Conducts High-Quality Scoring of Student Writing
NWP has scored nearly 100,000 pieces of student writing for a variety of federally and privately funded evaluations and research studies. With consistently excellent interrater reliability, results from NWP scoring services feature in many large-scale studies, including the recent evaluation of the College, Career, and Community Writers Program.

Exceptional Results
NWP-trained Scorers Blend High Reliability with Extensive Classroom Experience
Scoring is conducted by a nationwide network of hundreds of diverse and experienced Writing Project educators. Scorers and scoring leaders train intensively to meet NWP standards. Many NWP scorers report that the scoring experience is a highly rewarding form of professional development that directly impacts writing instruction.

Getting to Know the AWC
NWP’s Analytic Writing Continuum
NWP’s approach to large-scale assessment—combining a high degree of rigor with intensive peer-to-peer interaction—is unique. Teachers who participate look forward to coming together in this way to hone their evaluation skills and learn from each other.

Contact us to learn more
NWP conducts all elements of writing assessment work as needed, including scoring at any scale, rubric development and testing, prompt development and piloting, anchor paper selection and commentary, and online collection and coding of student writings.
For more information about NWP's writing assessment services contact us at scoring@nwp.org.