Teachers Invigorated by Southeastern Louisiana Writing Project Experience

Teachers return to their classrooms with new energy and a new conception of themselves as writers after the SLWP Summer Institute and New Orleans Writing Marathon.


"'I learned from my peers through presentations of their best practices, and I reflected greatly on my philosophy as an educator and as a writer,' said Stewart. 'I then spent a week in the French Quarter, journaling and sharing my writing in small groups filled with the people I'd grown to know through the institute. This type of writing is unlike anything I had experienced before Richard Louth, organic and uninhibited. As an ending to the institute, we returned to the classroom where we workshopped each others writing and shared our final products with our classmates.'

Stewart added that she took her students to the French Quarter for the New Orleans Writing Marathon in the hopes that they 'experience the world through writing in the fresh, meaningful way.'"



May 08, 2018

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